Some of the better accounts of Irish Basketball History could be found on Basketball Ireland's web site (1) and on the Dublin Mens Basketball Board site (2). But even those didn't come close to telling the story. So the following tried to summarize some of that which was already documented as well as fill in some of the gaps and patch it together to hopefully draw a better picture.
So this site is an attempt to tell some of that story and try to acknowledge the hard work of many of those that laid the foundation for the growth of the sport. Unfortunately this won't document all of Irish Basketball history but it will try to fill in some of the gaps. So check out the Irish Basketball History page and the other pages focusing on the Teams, Clubs, Tournaments and Players of years past. Hopefully this also encourages others to share their stories, pictures and copies of their mementos before they are lost to the waves of time.
If you are a new visitor to the site, "Welcome" we suggest you start with looking at the this Quick Video Intro or jump right in with the Irish Basketball History page. Click Here
If you are returning to the site then "Welcome Back". Checking out the Whats New page may be helpful. Click Here
If you are a new visitor to the site, "Welcome" we suggest you start with looking at the this Quick Video Intro or jump right in with the Irish Basketball History page. Click Here
If you are returning to the site then "Welcome Back". Checking out the Whats New page may be helpful. Click Here
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This group is intended for fans of Irish Basketball and its History. A place to share their Memories and to interact with others with similar interests
Thanks to all of the Irish Basketball History Fans for
Spreading the News around the Basketball World !
Like many other histories this is patched together with a little bit from here and a little bit from there (using a lot of different sources). We have tried to verify the accuracy but a little might be somewhat off kilter. If so please let us know the accurate info and if possible how we can corroborate the new info.
If you have any stories, pictures, articles, feedback,corrections, etc. please email to ibbhistory@gmail.com.

Also see the following links:
ibbhistory (Twitter)
two off the best talented players.