Irish National Team and 1948 Olympic Team

1948 Olympic Opening Ceremony

Note: The Picture above labeled as the 1948 Irish Olympic Team (London) may not be the actual Olympic roster. Although there are some Olympians in the picture it appears that it is a National Team picture of that era. Some of the players pictured  were not on the Olympic  Team roster.   Here are some players we think we can identify. Tom Malone ( # 3) listed on Olympic panel from Collins Barracks of the Eastern Command,  Jimmy McGee ? (#18) - listed on Olympic panel as  Magee from Eastern Command Army School of Music  , Ned Sheehan (#16) - not listed on Olympic panel, Dan Condon ( # 4) - not listed on Olympic panel (a Sergeant from Collins Barracks of the Eastern Command) , Bill Casey (# 15) - not listed on Olympic panel. may have been from No 2 Band at Collins Barracks . So it appears the search for an actual picture of the full 1948 Olympic Team continues. If you have one that you can share please go to the  U2 CAN HELP Page

Player Profiles from



50th Anniversary Tribute to 1948 Olympics 


1971 National Team

1972 Irish Olympic Team 

1976 Irish Panel

                                  1977    Irish Team
1978 National Team

1984 Pre Olympic Tournament in France

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